Step 4: Prepare for Sessions

What do you need to do to be ready?

1. Confirm and clarify objectives. In collaboration with the executive sponsor, team leader and facilitator, review the objectives developed by the core team to ensure they are specific and measurable. See the resource section of this blog for information on writing SMART objectives. 

2. Develop blueprint for action to achieve objectives. Create a daily plan for the working group sessions to clearly and concisely identify the sequencing of various elements required to achieve the objectives. The daily plan should include purpose, content, methods and tools, timing, and evaluation.  Remember that the goal is reflective of the purpose, the objectives depend on and are derived from the goal, the content depends on and is appropriate to meet the objectives, the methods, tools and timing depend on and are related to the content. Evaluation methods must measure the desired outcomes to determine whether or not expectations were achieved. An example of a daily plan is included in the resource section of this blog.

remember to consider adequate time
allotment for group discussion and participation.

3. Finalize dates, room set-up, equipment and supplies. Complete advanced room bookings and provide written communication of dates, time and room location to all participants. Consider the number of participants when arranging a room and workspace. Workspace, seating, lighting and wall space should be adequate and appropriate to enhance creative productivity. Network access and availability of electronic and audio visual equipment should also be considered. Include other office supplies such as white boards, flip charts, post-it charts, post-it notes, markers, erasers, blank paper, pens and masking tape. Any additional resource information, such as a VARK questionnaire, sample reporting tools or standard work, should be prepared and available for distribution in advance or at the appropriate session. 

 Assemble a concise, personalized information package for each participant including a letter of appreciation.

4. Establish space for communication display. Determine and designate appropriate area to display ongoing information related to the process change initiative. Staff should be encouraged to become familiar with the information and be expected to reference regularly. This communication area should provide ongoing updates related to the working group’s progress as well as allow staff opportunity to write questions and give feedback in a safe and anonymous manner. Consider how you will address these questions to maintain respectful and open relationship with staff. An example of a staff feedback format is located in the resource section of this blog.

5. Confirm staff schedules and timekeeping. Review staff’s schedules and confirm their attendance for the upcoming working sessions. Ensure adequate departmental coverage has been arranged to backfill staff as needed. Consider associated Collective Agreements to manage payroll and monetary compensation for attendance. 

Case Example
To maintain and direct focus and progress, carefully planned objectives were established as well as a clear, concise plan for each group session. Specific details related to room, equipment, supplies and staff schedules were addressed. As much as possible, meeting times were organized to respect individuals with specific evening and night shifts, recognizing that alterations to shift schedules would be needed to encourage attendance. Creative scheduling in conjunction with associated Collective Agreements was utilized. 

To encourage communication and staff feedback, an interactive communication board was established. Staff were given updates on upcoming working group sessions and were asked to anonymously write their questions and concerns on the board with the intent of receiving appropriate responses to their remarks.