Step 13: Study and Act

What do you do when there is a problem?

1. Expect challenges. As the change progresses, the team will likely face a number of challenges, including loss of interest or momentum as well as efforts to sabotage. Be open about the challenges and continue to make time for frequent discussion with the team to keep momentum going and everyone informed. Regular feedback from patients and families is also vital and will allow them to drive the changes. Sustained assistance of executive sponsor and core leadership team is essential to reinforce direction and demonstrate support.

2. Review and evaluate. Recognize that adoption of a change is a process rather than a discrete event and requires continuous review and readjustment. Reconvening the working group to review and evaluate data, discuss progress and issues, and strategize next steps is appropriate. By identifying the problem, barriers and gaps, the group should identify opportunities for improvement, and in collaboration with leadership and the executive sponsor, suggest and develop a plan for applying appropriate countermeasures.