
What is this blog about?
The aim of this blog is to provide assistance to individuals and organizations in establishing a robust patient-centered bedside reporting process on their unit or across their entire organization. The blog can be used as a standardized format or guide to lead change. This blog is not intended to be used as a prescriptive or exhaustive ‘one-size-fits-all’ manuscript but rather as guideline and resource.

How will this blog assist you in your efforts to implement bedside reporting on your unit?
This blog is designed in a step by step method to assist individuals and/or groups leading the efforts to implement a bedside reporting process in their program. Health care facilities are familiar with the importance of implementing best practice guidelines for quality and safety improvement but may have difficulty in implementing an approach wherein best practices are consistently used to enhance safety and accountability during shift handovers.
Facilitation tools, techniques, and resource links are provided to help improvement teams remain focused and productive. An example of a fictional medical unit will be used to highlight and demonstrate certain steps in the blog.

What will you achieve by using this Blog?
  • A systematic process for implementing an effective shift-to-shift handover process improvement initiative.
  • An ability to apply the process to facilitate similar improvement initiatives.

What models or theories were used to develop the guiding principles?

  • Transtheoretical Model of Change (Stages of Change)
  • Bandura’s Social Learning theory
  • Knowles’ theory of adult learners
  • Therapeutic Alliance Model
  • Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model (cycle of learning)
  • Cognitive Learning theory
  • VARK learning styles
  • Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • Lean Transformation theory
  • PDSA cycle (Plan-Do-Study-Act)
  • Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Framework for Spread
  • Literature Review

What types of resources are available in the blog?

The following are examples of what is available in the resource section of this blog:
  • Templates
  • Coaching package
  • VARK questionnaire
  • Audit tools
  • Criteria for safe handoffs
  • Examples of shift reporting tools
  • Bibliography